Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Sea Key, A Monumental Turning Point

"Sea Key" available November 30, 2018
"Sea Key"

This is a very special release for me. 

For starters, this will be the first song I've released that is my own production from start to finish. For me, whose lived most of my life as an absolute perfectionist, that's a huge feat! Carrying that mindset has stopped me from releasing loads of music in the past and I'm excited that this is a milestone in the right direction. "Sea Key" is perfectly imperfect and I've learned to enjoy that the most. I've taken chances with this one, gotten out of my comfort zone, and laid it on the line, risk and all, believing for a warm reception. Already, just from posting teasers, you have been so kind. Thank you. 

Another reason this one is so special is that it's the very first instrumental I will have ever released, to the best of my knowledge, in my entire musical career to date. There's something so powerful about music doing the speaking. To me, it allows for the listener to be moved in whatever way they need to be at that specific moment. I remember the intro of the song "Clocks" by Coldplay. It would transport my mind into a pensive state of wonder even in the brief few seconds it played before the vocals kicked in. Of course, the whole song is amazing, but those musical breaks really drove it home for me. Obviously, I'm a singer/songwriter, and most of my music includes a lyrical message, but I believe it's healthy for one's creative well being to venture away from the box sometimes into the unknown. We, the listeners, have the privilege of joining the venture, and to wander the fields of amazement with the artists painting the sonic landscape. What a joy!

Thirdly, why Sea Key is so special, is that it's the first release of a series of instrumentals created with film in mind. Music by itself is incredibly moving and powerful, but coupled with the right imagery, the two can be an awesome force. When you're hoping to communicate a specific message by video, choosing the right music is crucial. Cinematic soundscapes, in my own style, are at the heart of all my music. This series of instrumental songs, I'm affectionately calling "CineSounds", are specifically geared to be that "perfect" song to match the emotion film makers are working to convey. With this, I am now offering music for licensing straight from

I could go on, but I think you get the point. Sea Key holds many firsts for me as an artist. Like, did I mention, that it's the first time I've allowed myself to play an extended guitar solo on a recorded piece? Ya, it happens in this song! To me, this one is flinging the door of possibilities wide open. I'm allowing my songwriting, production, creativity, and everything else going into this release to be seen for what it is..just simply me making music I'd want to listen to. I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed creating it.

All glory to God who gives the dreams, equips with the ability, provides the plans, and builds the house. If He's not building it, we the builders build in vain.

Be blessed everyone,
Christian Ross (Heríam)


Photo by Zack Santagate

To find out more about me and the music I make, visit

I’m giving away my latest single free when you join my mailing list
As an artist, I create music to encourage and edify in Christ Jesus. All support is appreciated and I'm so grateful. Contribute to my calling by filling up my Tip Jar!



Visit the Heríam Shop for all kinds of merch and goodies designed by yours truly. 



Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Rhythm & Groove with Daphne Blues

Wow, what an incredible honor it was to be invited to perform on this gut-busting tune from instrumentalist, Daphne Blues. 

Released October 12, 2018, "Lo" defines, what can only be described as, Rhythm and Groove.

Atmospheric overtones dress this dynamic rock movement in luscious waves of sonic color.  Beauty meets gritty intensity while resting on a bed of expressive pocket drumming sure to have your feet tapping & head bobbing the moment the beat drops.

I have the good fortune of being featured at the 3:26 minute mark through the end being first introduced with a lead slide guitar before losing the slide to jam with a more rock-your-face-off approach.

During my guitar bellowing macro solo, Daphne Blues sprinkles little dancing melody leads on top that really brings the whole "cake" together. I mustn't fail to reveal that the entire song is built around Daphne Blues first born, pictured above, beat boxing into a microphone.

Truly, this was a fun one.

Listen here or anywhere you get your music, and make sure to follow Daphne Blues for future releases of equally epic proportions. 

-Christian Ross (HERÍAM)


Photo by Zack Santagate

To find out more about me and the music I make, visit

I’m giving away my latest single free when you join my mailing list
As an artist, I create music to encourage and edify in Christ Jesus. All support is appreciated and I'm so grateful. Contribute to my calling by filling up my Tip Jar!



Visit the Heríam Shop for all kinds of merch and goodies designed by yours truly. 



Friday, September 7, 2018

The Song Tree

Song Tree drawing in my lyric book :)
It was early 2016. I remember sitting on the red couch at the Noise Umbrella studio waiting to continue tracking a song called "Love So Strange".  At this time, Noise Umbrella was briefly located in east Plano, TX, in a separate building from NAMS, for about a year or so.  As I sat, I pondered the song structure, lyrics, dynamics, instrumentation; All the things you think of constantly when creating music. 

Well, after much contemplation, I began imagining the music as a tree...stay with me...a growing tree. Remember, I'm in a dimly lit studio by myself, in total creative mode...Got that pictured? Ok, here we go! :)

At first, before sound, I saw a seed. The seed then began to sprout as the intro started playing. Little roots started to form and, as the song continued, the roots became longer and longer until at some point the roots broke through the surface, out of the ground. As you can imagine, while the music played, the tree grew, and sprouted, and grew until the song was complete and an entire tree had formed in my mind. (I just had to draw it in my lyric book, of course!) 

The obvious view is that each section, instrument, track, layer, sound; everything that made up the recorded music, was a piece of that tree in it's entirety. The tiniest vein in a single, hanging leaf was a lone, resonating frequency somewhere in the sonic of the song. 

I felt, after seeing this, that the song itself was strong and I was happy with the way it was turning out. The vision seemed complete although there was still so much work to be done. The image of the tree had deep roots and tall branches signifying to me that my frequency spectrum was tall from my lows to highs. All the leaves on the branches told me I had interesting harmonic overtones happening and a lot of movement was taking place. The trunk of the tree told me my rhythm section was strong and tight. (Thanks Phil & Dave, #shoutout)

Beyond the sonic representation, the tree represented so much more. It represents, still, the meaning, depth, strength and fullness of the message in the lyrics. It represents the true root of the message which is rooted in Christ Jesus and who He's called us to be. It represents that all the pieces, lyrics, music, structure, instrumentation were and still are working together to create something powerfully beautiful. There's nothing shallow about the message and nothing apologetic about the music. It's intense and vulnerable; A delicate juggernaut. 

"Love So Strange", as of this writing, 9/7/18, is in it's final stages of production. To keep up with updates and release dates, be sure to sign up for my email list. Did you know you'll receive a free song just for signing up? Ya, you will! Thank you for reading and trekking with me. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you will abound in hope and overflow with confidence in His promises. (Romans 15:13 AMP)

-Christian Ross (Heríam)


Photo by Zack Santagate

To find out more about me and the music I make, visit

I’m giving away my latest single free when you join my mailing list
As an artist, I create music to encourage and edify in Christ Jesus. All support is appreciated and I'm so grateful. Contribute to my calling by filling up my Tip Jar!



Visit the Heríam Shop for all kinds of merch and goodies designed by yours truly. 



Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Onset EP Is Powerfully Captivating, Beginning to End

To begin, I describe Macy McKinzie Tiradoegas to people, especially peers in the music industry, as anointed. That word covers it all. Her music holds true to this fact in every sense of the word. The last two weeks, prior to this writing, “The Onset” has not left the CD player of my red 2015 Mitsubishi Mirage nor have the lyrical melodies ceased to encourage my spirit during the day. I find myself singing these life-giving lyrics washing dishes, taking out trash, changing my daughters diapers and any other place I have a brain vacancy to fill.

As a songwriter myself, that's what you want! You want your music to inspire people; To be light to people; To be the soundtrack of hope for peoples everyday lives. Macy nails it with these songs from her heart because that's who she is. She's led by her heart as it follows close after God and His word. The EP opens with the momentous lyric, “Oh, the heart of the Father, He is faithful, He is kind, He is patient, He is good all of the time”. The Onset's six, truth soaked songs continue to immerse the listener into the quiet waters of peace finally closing with the soft, soul punching chorus, "You, only You, would pursue my heart despite my scars. No one else can love me like You do, only You."

Knowing Macy and her husband Maison, the founder of Press Bible, I could expect nothing less than such a giving group of songs. I was honored to have Macy accept an invitation to lend her vocals on one of my tracks, "I Will Wake" which released January of 2018 as it's own single. Her spirit on the track is evident and I believe her anointed gift helped lift the song to a whole other level. There's really so much to be said about both Macy and Maison, but the one thing I'll leave you with is that these two have blessed my life, among so many others in countless ways, through Press Bible, working together in worship at Hope Fellowship, giving of time and just being great people to be friends with.

If you haven't listened to "The Onset" do yourself a favor and get it HERE.

To learn more about Macy McKinzie (Tiradoegas) and connect with her on social media, visit

For me, this is NOT a album review. Please don't mistake me on that. I'm excited about something awesome my friend did and I want to continue celebrating her success with her. You see, this is what the family of Christ does for one another; We lift each other up, and stand with one another through all times. This happens to be something amazing that I felt strongly to share about, so, I shared it. :)

Much love to you, the reader. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you will abound in hope and overflow with confidence in His promises. -Romans 15:13

Have an incredible day, my friends.
-Christian Ross (Heríam)


Photo by Zack Santagate

To find out more about me and the music I make, visit

I’m giving away my latest single free when you join my mailing list
As an artist, I create music to encourage and edify in Christ Jesus. All support is appreciated and I'm so grateful. Contribute to my calling by filling up my Tip Jar!



Visit the Heríam Shop for all kinds of merch and goodies designed by yours truly. 



Monday, September 3, 2018

Happy Labor Day 2018! Yes, We Dare To Work On Our Dreams

Still image, by Zack Santagate, from the"Your Moment has Come" music
video as seen in the special features of the 2017 Pure Flix film,
The Case for Christ, DVD/Blueray.

Labor Day is defined, in the most simple way, as a public holiday or day of festivities held in honor of working people. I'd like to take a moment and recognize the Dreamers and the Doers. For most of my life I've been a dreamer. Dreamers are idealists, obsessed with the way "things" should or could be. They see themselves as untouchable except when the dream bubble is burst by a shattering reality mountain that seems too high to scale. 😐 I'm speaking figuratively, of course. Dreaming alone, without action, produces frustration in the lack of what one wishes were there. Don't get me wrong, dreaming is absolutely necessary, but put some action to them!

Then there are the Doers. The Doers like to get-er-done! It seems that many times the Doers will just put their heads down and DO whatever's in front of them to do, without stopping to ask themselves, "WHY". Busy, busy, busy producing lots and lots of meaningless "stuff". Don't get me wrong here either. It's better to be on the move than sitting idle, but which direction are you moving and to what end? I also find myself at times being more of a Doer in this sense than a Dreamer when out of my "natural habitat". This leads me to my next thought.

By themselves, The Dreamers and The Doers can produce very little of meaningful results. Without vision, people perish and without works, faith is dead. We're meant to be both the Dreamer and the Doer. A Doer with vision is a powerful force and a Dreamer with purpose in their feet is virtually unstoppable. When you're able to tap into the right dreams, big dreams, those God dreams that He himself has placed in you, and then commit to trusting Him to support and see them through, then you're onto something. You begin to work on those dreams, but not without structure. With strategic action, your efforts are expedited and multiplied. You have peace in decision making because you have a clear compassed direction of where you're going. Obstacles are easily averted by careful planning and you become agile in the unforeseen. You've become a Dreamer and a Doer, and you are profitable.

1 Corinthians 15:58 says, "Therefore, my beloved brothers and sisters, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord [always doing your best and doing more than is needed], being continually aware that your labor [even to the point of exhaustion] in the Lord is not futile nor wasted [it is never without purpose]."

.."never without purpose"

Believe me, I'm the midst of this stuff too. I'm walking out my dreams and working on having clear vision also. Please, don't be discouraged, but decide, today is the day I begin (or continue) to work on my dreams. Today is the day I commit my works to the Lord and allow Him to establish my plans. (Proverbs 16:3) He's the one the put em' there! Proverbs 37:4 says, "Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. What you enjoy doing more than anything and what you're so passionate about, that's your gifting. Commit those gifts to the Lord and inquire firstly where your place is and what He's called you to do with your gifts and talents. Proverbs 18:16 says, "A man’s gift makes room for him, And brings him before great men." Your gifting may be the gift that gains you access to these great people.

James 1:5 states, "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." So, if you're wondering what to do, where your place is, what your calling is, and/or how to do what God has for you to do.....just ask and listen. Jeremiah 1:12 says that He's watching over His word to perform it so we can trust that we will have wisdom when we ask and will be able to accomplish all He's gifted and made us desire to do, for Him and through Him.

This Labor Day, we celebrate working hard towards the dreams placed in each of our hearts. We need each and every person on this Earth living out their callings. Imagine how great of a place the world would be if we all did that. There I go, dreaming again. OK then, I'll start working on that dream by being the best me I can be. Now you do the same and let's watch the now empowered dream manifest into something more beautiful than we could have ever imagined...because God, Himself, is for us.

Happy Labor Day!

- Christian Ross (Heríam)


Photo by Zack Santagate
To find out more about me and the music I make, visit

I’m giving away my latest single free when you join my mailing list
As an artist, I create music to encourage and edify in Christ Jesus. All support is appreciated and I'm so grateful. Contribute to my calling by filling up my Tip Jar! >>>



Visit the Heríam Shop for all kinds of merch and goodies designed by yours truly. 


